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New York City DUI Lawyer

Being charged with a DUI can be devastating. Not only do you run the risk of license suspension, jail time, and high fines, but you will also develop a criminal record upon conviction, which can impact your life for years to come. Here at the Law Office of Jason A. Dennis, we effectively represent all those facing DUI charges and fight for the best outcome possible on their behalf. Contact a skilled New York City DUI lawyer from our legal team so we can get started working on your case.

Penalties for a First-Offense DUI in NYS

For individuals facing a first-time DUI charge in New York State, the penalties can be severe, even for a first offense. A first-offense DUI is typically charged as a misdemeanor, but the consequences can still have a lasting impact. If convicted, you may face:

  • Fines: A first-time DUI offense in New York can result in fines ranging from $500 to $1,000. Additionally, you may be required to pay various surcharges and fees.
  • License Suspension: A conviction will lead to a mandatory license suspension of at least six months. During this time, you may be eligible for a conditional license to travel to work or school.
  • Imprisonment: A first offense can also carry a potential jail sentence of up to one year. While jail time for first-time offenders is not always imposed, it remains a possibility depending on the circumstances of your case.
  • Ignition Interlock Device (IID): New York law requires all DUI offenders to install an ignition interlock device in their vehicle for a minimum of six months, even for a first offense.
  • Alcohol Education Programs: You may also be required to participate in a court-mandated alcohol education program as part of your sentencing.

As you can see, even for a first-offense DUI, it is imperative to have a skilled New York City criminal defense lawyer in your corner who can advocate for your interests.

Penalties for a Second-Offense DUI

A second DUI offense within ten years of the first is treated much more harshly in New York. A second DUI is classified as a Class E felony, and the penalties reflect the increased severity. If convicted of a second DUI, you could face:

  • Fines: The fines for a second DUI conviction range from $1,000 to $5,000, in addition to mandatory court surcharges and other related fees.
  • License Revocation: Your driver’s license will be revoked for at least one year, and in some cases, it could be longer. You may be required to complete a DMV-approved Drinking Driver Program (DDP) before regaining your driving privileges.
  • Imprisonment: A second DUI conviction carries a potential jail sentence of up to four years. The length of time depends on several factors, including your blood alcohol content (BAC) at the time of arrest and whether there were any aggravating circumstances, such as an accident or injury.
  • Ignition Interlock Device (IID): Like a first offense, a second DUI conviction will result in the mandatory installation of an IID in any vehicle you operate, typically for a longer period than with a first offense.
  • Probation: You may also be sentenced to probation, which often lasts for up to five years and involves strict compliance with court-ordered terms, such as regular check-ins, drug and alcohol testing, and completion of treatment programs.

Penalties for a Third-Offense DUI in New York

A third DUI offense within ten years is a serious felony, classified as a Class D felony in New York. The consequences are far-reaching and can have a profound impact on your life. If convicted of a third DUI, the penalties include:

  • Fines: A third DUI conviction can result in fines ranging from $2,000 to $10,000, along with additional court costs and fees.
  • License Revocation: Your license will be revoked for a minimum of one year, though in many cases, the revocation could be permanent. Regaining your driving privileges after a third offense can be extremely challenging, and you may be required to undergo multiple evaluations and attend additional treatment programs.
  • Imprisonment: A third DUI offense can lead to a prison sentence of up to seven years. The court may impose a mandatory minimum jail sentence, especially if there were aggravating factors such as a high BAC or involvement in a crash.
  • Ignition Interlock Device (IID): The installation of an IID will be mandatory for any vehicle you own or operate. In the case of a third conviction, the IID requirement typically extends for a longer period, and strict monitoring of compliance will be enforced.
  • Probation: Probation is common in third-offense DUI cases, lasting up to five years. During probation, you will be required to comply with various conditions, such as regular court appearances, alcohol and drug treatment, and frequent testing.

Potential Defenses Against DUI Charges

If you have been charged with a DUI in New York, it is essential to remember that you have the right to defend yourself against the allegations. There are several potential defenses that a skilled DUI lawyer may employ to challenge the charges, including:

  • Unlawful Traffic Stop: Police officers must have a legitimate reason to pull you over, such as a traffic violation. If your attorney can prove that the stop was unlawful, the charges against you may be dismissed.
  • Faulty Breathalyzer Results: Breathalyzer machines must be properly calibrated and maintained to provide accurate results. Any errors in the machine’s calibration or administration of the test could result in the exclusion of breathalyzer evidence.
  • Improper Field Sobriety Tests: Field sobriety tests are often subjective and can be influenced by factors such as medical conditions or even road conditions. If these tests were administered improperly or were inaccurate, they may be challenged in court.
  • Rising Blood Alcohol Defense: In some cases, your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) may have been below the legal limit when you were driving, but it rose to an illegal level by the time the test was administered. This can be used as a defense to argue that you were not over the limit while operating your vehicle.

Contact an NYC DUI Lawyer Today

Don’t face a DUI alone–contact a knowledgeable and skilled DUI lawyer from The Law Office of Jason A. Dennis today. We stand ready to effectively fight for a positive outcome on your behalf, every step of the way.

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